Peace & Love AND learning from my own mistakes!

Peace and love var bra!

hannah-maria-josse-katja-eva-susanna-ISAK min stora idol- marianne-matidla-rebecca-alex-jay-correa-raul-efterfest-roky-

6 timmars sömn under 2 dygn-difuntoscorrea-joursätta upp björkar och få rivsår-svettas-dansa-jason-




två byxor på föra timmar, en tröja på fem minuter... hetsshopping hej!

Jobb idag. anna är den nya tjejen på jobbet. som dansar chokladdansen för att motstpå choklad...jag gillar henne.
Tack till emelie på JC som hjölpte mig med mina jeans köp...jag hoppas att jag blir nöjd såhär efteråt, jag som alltid ändrar på mina inköp. lämnar tillbaka och byter...

tack och lov har jag bättrat mig, (för att jag numera näst intill aldrig shoppar?)

I morgon åker jag till booorlänge, hannah och peace and love!
Jag skall jobba som funktionär och se jason mraz på kvällen!!!!AH vad underbart det ska bli!

Och nu återtår att packa väskan... det svåraste av allt..... när det är klart tar jag mig en härlig dusch innan sängen...
 natt natt!

Learning To Love Your Life

"Believe it or not, every day is a blank slate - a canvass upon which to draw your own picture. And in this article,Michelle Walter offers some guidelines into how to take charge of this process, and really love your life."

Why then does it seem as though the day is already mapped out for you - demands, jobs, commitments, emotions and so on? The list of what fills your day can be endless. Or, on the other hand, your day can seem to be empty, devoid of real purpose or activity. Either way, the day seems to be created for you, not by you.

How do you create your own day again? 
Things to take into consideration...

Your unique destiny:
Everyone single person has a reason for being, or else they simply wouldn't be here. You brought yourself into existence.


This is a good question, and in fact you can spend a lifetime answering it, or at least, revising your answer. Even if you are not fully aware of your destiny, you can still link into some reason for being here now.

To change your life, you must take steps forward from where you are now. You can't simply work out a new life in your head and then jump into it. Everything in the universe requires a focused intention to come into being. 

So your new life too, will require some intelligent focus before it comes into being. Instead of becoming disconnected in your thoughts, imagining where you should be / want to be / don't want to be ... focus on understanding why you are where you are. What does this step mean in the context of your entire journey? You cannot move into the next town without having traveled the road that leads to it.

Piecing the puzzle together 
This is called ‘finding the pieces of the puzzle’. Understand how each part of your life is a piece and each piece fits together in a great picture - and that picture is your life story. The reason for using the puzzle analogy is that with a puzzle, it doesn't make any sense until you put all the pieces together. And sometimes life is like that - you don't understand the full picture until you have lived out a bit and gone through certain experiences. Sure, your intuition can support you in gaining a vision of what the final picture is, but unless you are a very open and flexible person, this vision can become just another expectation in your mind. Many people hold on to these expectations in their mind of where they are going or how their life is going to turn out. These expectations become burdens that they then carry into each new day. This is what stops most of us from painting on our empty canvas. Instead of looking out the window, eager for what we might see, we look out expecting to see the same scenery as yesterday. These expectations are what stops life from being fresh and new.

How to reclaim your happiness 
True and lasting happiness only comes when you are flowing with life. People who can be happy in the face of adverse circumstances are a marvel to us all. We admire these people because we know that sometimes it is a challenge to be happy, even when you don't have any reason to complain. One of the most extraordinary recorded examples of the triumph of a positive attitude in the face of adversity is the example of Victor Frankl. Victor Frankl was imprisoned in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, a horrific and traumatic experience, everyone will agree. However Victor took a different approach. Being scientific in mind, he observed that those prisoners who had something to live for, a meaning in their life, actually lived longer. Those who felt there was no meaning gave up and died. Victor found that it didn't matter what the meaning was: love, family, work, whatever floats your boat. It is unique and personal. Yet the common element was the sense of meaning in life. The important message in this is clear: how you choose to look at your life has profound implications for personal happiness, regardless of your actual circumstances. 

How can you connect with your destiny?
The meaning of your life does not come from achieving certain goals or having a great relationship. These things will come and go in life. Your personal destiny is a sense of why you are here and who you really are. When you are connected to this feeling, it is easy to direct your boat through the sometimes turbulent waters of life. You know which direction to take because you have a sense of what is important for you. This sense of destiny can help you to overcome great obstacles and do great things. Stop and think for a moment:

* What is really important to you?

* What is the gift that you bring into the world?

* What are you most valued for with others?

Starting the day afresh 
Before you start each day, just stop. Take a few minutes to connect with your unfolding destiny. Remember, you may not know the whole story but you can see a sign that will take you to the next step. 

No matter what you feel is going wrong in your life - relationship issues, emotional dissatisfaction, boredom, or whatever - take a minute to reconnect with what is most important in your life: YOU! So many times, we allow other people to become the important thing in our life: holding onto a relationship, striving to reach an achievement, searching for the missing half. All these things take you further and further away from your true happiness. Your happiness doesn't lie in achieving goals or having a perfect life. We see plenty of grumpy celebrities out there, despite having what seems to be a perfect body, a perfect relationship and lots of money. When you are connected to your true self - your unique inner strength and your purpose in life to share that gift with the world -your life transforms! People are drawn to you, good things happen spontaneously for you, and when they don't, you have the inner courage to overcome the difficulties with grace. It may sound like a dream, but it isn't. If Victor Frankl can do it whilst being tortured in a prison, we can do it in the comfort of our ordinary lives too!


jungsängen gård- underbara ställe!

vulvadekorering - Dans runt vulvan
god mat
roligt folk
mer lekar
träffade folk som träffat folk jag känner, bla på island och i lilla dala järna! världen är så liten!
vi pratade om världen går i 7 led. så det var ganska kul att det inträffade...
elinor och thomas/robin..

fotboll och ölhak

och lite sömn- och en stor portion ensamhet och tårar...!!!


vilken befrielse:)


har jobabt håt nu i lördags... med emma som sällskap:)

träffade mycket folk och hade det bra!
sverige gjorde mycket bra ifrån sig under kvällens match!

idag har jag sovit ut lite, sagt hej då till kära emma och nato på ett hörn,
sen bar det av til lvita bergen för kvälls mys och pciknick!

imorgon skall jag ta det lugnt!

kram hej!

jobb och ont

jag fick matgörgiftning av howwoks starka mat och sydde ihjäl mig går...

så nu vilar jag inför ikväll..
grattis sverige till 2-0!
Hoppas på mer framgång!:)

förrgår och igår

afterwork i parken.. boule...
ingen sömn...

var me bryce.!

hej hej!

våda leva?

"mamma varför kostar det så mycket?"
"ja..det kostar att leva!"
"vadå leva..:"

"i min familj är alla allergiska mot något!"

haha vad kul det kan vara att jobbba på vandrarhem!

måndag kväll

Vilken hääärlig dag!
Jag och malin åkte till vällingby(varför?)
det vet jag fortfarande inte, men vi åkte in till stan ganska fort och la oss i pakren, soalde och sov med min ipod i öronen...
Vid sex gick vi till street för att träffa soffsurfare, underbart vare det!
Jag badade tillochmed, det var inte så farligt kallt i vattnet.. och jag måste ju doppa mig och simma lite nu innan halv simmet.. .jag är nervös. det är ju faktiskt en halv kilometer längre än förut..
ur som helst visade jag irländare runt i stan och hade jättekul!
Träffade även en från österrike, australien, polen och en guideexpert från norsborg:P
tillbaka till jobbet nu på tisdagen.... hujja...

Här har vi drinken jag skall försöka mig på i dagarna;

Super Greens, Hemp Protein, Goji Juice, Coconut Water, Flax Seed Oil, My own homemade cashew milk, Raw Cacao, Bee pollen, sometimes a banana, a little crushed ice, toad knuckles, agave nectar, Stevia, and/or Natural Vaginal Juices to sweeten to your liking.


gick jag upp ochåt min frukost..
sedan solade jag på en helt underbar plats!

helt slut..
skall sova och er fram emot morgondagen!


jobba torsdag kväll.
ledig fredag!
afterwork at rival.
träffade rick, rich och mitch. kulkul!
dansade på la habana, la isla och hängde i rålis innan med malin och hennes gäng!

jat boat med mitch och rick.
hem.. byta om duscha...
pers kväll p åräkkryssningsbåt i skärgårn!

sen realesefest på en takvåning! härligt!
sen parkhäng med jenny och jesper!
